Thursday, April 30, 2015

Some observations on how life works, from a guy who still hasn't figured it out.

Many people say that college changes you as a person, and to a point that is definitely true. I've looked back at the experiences that I've gone through, my successes, my failures, lessons learned. Yes, I look a few years back and on the surface I see a different Shane than I do now, but I also see a Shane who really didn't know who he was in the first place, and to be brutally honest I still haven't completely figured it out. But maybe that's not really such a bad thing...

I've come to the conclusion that our personalities are intrinsic. It's our habits, our thoughts, our feelings, our priorities, dreams and obsessions, that make up our identity, and our identities can be very fluid. I feel that identities are damn hard to figure out. Significant others, the people you live with, friends, family, all can influence your identity if you let them. Figuring out your identity can be damn hard. And then on top of that you have to be able to harmonize your identity to your personality, and that, I believe can take a lifetime.

I know there are people out there who may have figured all this out, they are perfectly comfortable with who they are, or they are just good at making it appear that way, I don't know. But I have to think that each and every one of us, to a point, we're still trying to figure ourselves out. We have so much more to learn about ourselves, professionally and personally. That development of learning, and consequently changing, is one of the most vital processes in our lives.

College was a place for personal growth, and an environment where we were able to start developing and finding our identities. And the awesome thing about college is that your environment changes so often! So many aspects of my life changed during my five years at Bloomsburg, all the different places that I've lived, roommates, friends, girlfriends, classes, semesters passed, and semester failed (yes that was one of the bigger 'lessons learned'), teachers, mentors, and so much more. Through somewhat of a processes of elimination I've taken note as to what thoughts and feelings stuck around, and which ones came and went.

So, I will soon be walking out of Bloomsburg vastly more comfortable in my own skin than from when I first got here. And i'm proud of that fact. But for me whats scary, and exciting, is the fact that I will continue to grow change as a person, it's inevitable.

We can't get too comfortable with our ourselves and our lifestyles because whether we like it or not things are going to change. It's scary to think about how we as people will change once we move on to other things, it's not a comfortable process. But we have to be able to get out of our comfort zones and move on! In doing this, we are able figure out what works and what doesn't work, and thus grow and change for the better.

The more our identities change with our lives, the closer we get to the holy grail of figuring out how to make our identity work with our personalities, and maybe, just maybe, that's what life is all about.

-Shane Hallett

“You’ll never stumble upon the unexpected if you stick only to the familiar."

-Ed Catmull

Disney here I come!

As I type this post, I think back to freshman year and how I was so excited to be beginning a new chapter in my life. Now, as a graduating senior, I think about how that chapter is ending and another is beginning. Ever since I was in high school, I knew that one day I wanted to do the Disney College Program. Coming into college as an education major, I did not think that day would come. Halfway through my freshman year, it occurred to me that I was not loving the picture in my head of how my future would be. So I sat down with my mom and we looked at all the other majors Bloomsburg had to offer. We also talked about what my strengths and weaknesses were. I ended up applying and getting accepted into the Mass Communications department spring semester of my freshman year, and it was the best decision I ever made. A couple days after I got accepted, I met with my advisor Dr. Ganahl. I told him about my dreams to work for Disney and right away he sent me to a guy who works at the school store who did the program when he was my age and worked for Disney for many years after that. He chatted with me and told me that doing the program would get my foot in the door  with the company. At that time I did not know that college graduates could do it so I didn't think I was going to end up doing it because I didn't want to leave my friends and stuff here at Bloomsburg.

Fast forward to January of senior year. I applied for the program and made it to the phone interview stage. I scheduled my interview for 8:30 on a Sunday night. I was sitting anxiously in the living room waiting for the call. When it finally came, I was so nervous. This phone call could change the future and my life forever! Apparently the interview went well because about three weeks later I got my acceptance letter! As soon as I saw the "Congratulations!" as the email subject on an email from Disney, I started screaming and crying tears of joy. Finally, my dreams are coming true.

Less than a month after I graduate from Bloomsburg, I begin a new chapter of my life. It's a little bittersweet that my college career is coming to an end but I would never change the memories, friendships, and learning experiences I gained during my four years here. I will forever keep Bloomsburg in my heart.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Oh, the Future ...

As the last week of classes wrap up, the feeling of everything coming to an end for good is becoming clearer. I am very excited to graduate and move on to the next stage of my life. After five years of college, I'm ready. There are so many possibilities with Mass Communications that it is almost overwhelming.

Through this class, I have learned more about myself and what I want to do in the future. One of my biggest lessons through my job search is to not get too stressed about it or I start to drive myself crazy. I have learned to understand that I will end up where I am supposed to be, and every opportunity is another step to that dream job. All experience is useful.

Since I only entered this major three semesters ago, I feel as if I did not get as much as I could have in college due to not knowing what I wanted to do for a while. For example, I have discovered that what I really want to do is graphic design, but I have run out of time in my education to do so. However, I discovered a way to receive CEUs. I have noticed that Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are the programs one needs to be efficient in for a position in graphic design. It only costs about $60-70 to earn a certificate in each of these programs. This will be my next step after graduation to become more qualified to get a design position preferably in an advertising/marketing agency. I want to be a part of a creative culture, as described in the Creativity, Inc. book we read. My dream job would be to work for an entertainment convention such as Comic Con.

As I receive these CEUs, I will just be working, while still looking for a job or internship relevant to my degree, to save up money to be able to not have to live with my parents too long after graduation. :P

My experience at Bloomsburg University has been great, and I will miss it. I have enjoyed being in this major with all the amazing professors and classmates.
I wish everyone the best of luck!


The best four years of my life

After being accepted into Bloomsburg University in the Summer of 2011 I felt a whole bunch of different emotions. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Being that I was accepted into the Summer Session program, I was worried that I would have trouble excelling in my major classes. After working hard at my first few months of college I was blown away at how well I did and how I achieved my goal of receiving all A's during that session. Since then, I have succeeded in my classes and maintained a GPA in order to graduate with cum laude. I am so proud of my accomplishments and hard work ethic and these past four years have been nothing but amazing.

My plans for after college are still up in the air. I have a job offer for a Country Club where I have the opportunity of being a Manager. I also have been working on becoming a Client Account Coordinator for Ashfield Healthcare and would be interested in working there as well. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and I would not be where I am today without my Bloomsburg professors, classmates, friends, and family. Attending Bloomsburg University was the best decision I ever made in my life.

Journey of a Lifetime

        I started at Bloomsburg in the Summer of 2011. I was an extremely sheltered individual who was nervous yet very excited to be on my own. The first thing I noticed when I got here was how I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do as a career. I went from major to major switching and deciding what seemed more interesting. The end of my Sophomore year I finally made the decision to be a Mass Communications major and to study Public Relations. This was the best decision I had ever made. I met the best people within this major and even joined an organization. Joining BUnow was the best thing that I had ever done. I met so many people and gained so many opportunities through it. The Mass Communications department is by far the best path to go. You have skilled professionals as your professors who are very knowledgable and willing to help you all the way to graduation. The professors are personable and make going to class into an adventure on its own. I can defiantly say that my time at Bloomsburg became memorable the moment that I chose to be a Mass Communications major. With the help of my organization and the skills my professors instilled in me, I landed a job right out of college. I will be helping in the marketing office at a Skirmish USA, Pocono Whitewater, and Pocono Biking. These companies are all under the same ownership and I will get to do the work for all three. This will give me so much room to be creative and to use my skills. I am very nervous about leaving college but excited and grateful about the journey that I have gone through to get to this point in my life. One day I know I will be running my own Wedding Planning company and maybe even working with my Idol David Tutera. I wanted to thank all the Mass Communications Professors, Liz our fabulous secretary, BUnow, and all the other Mass Comm Students who went with me on this crazy journey and I wish the best to all the graduating seniors! 

Congrats 2015 Seniors!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

So now what happens?

      I came to Bloomsburg University as a summer freshman in 2011.  I had no idea where this journey would take me and where I would end up.  I started out taking classes geared toward becoming an early education/ special education major.  I enjoyed many of my classes but soon realized it was not quite for me.  In my Spring 2012 semester I joined the sorority Chi Sigma Rho as a freshman.  I went on to make lifelong friends and took on the positions of fundraising chair and assistant new member educator! I would not have changed this decision for the world.  I met my "big" and one of my best friends through Chi Sig and she is how I learned about the Mass Communications Department.  I realized I was interested in it and decided to take on the Public Relations concentration.  I also began taking classes to obtain a psychology minor!  I have learned a lot over these years with many PR classes with Dr. Ganahl and Dr. Byrum.  I wouldn't have obtained so much knowledge without these 2.  I would not change my experience here for anything!
     I am now continuing my search for a place in the real world.  I have applied to many public relations internships around Reading and the greater Philadelphia area.  I have come very close with two of these and had an interview with QVC.  We continued the process but unfortunately fell through.  Although this was discouraging it still allowed me to make contacts and work harder.  I am continuing to make progress with internships and applying to more.  I am still walking on May 9th and will continue the job search! Good luck and congrats to everyone!!

What I learned in Capstone is...

I went into Capstone knowing it was mainly a class about how to secure a job after school. I also went into Capstone knowing that I wanted to go to grad school. So, basically at that moment, I was only taking the class because it was required of me. Now that nearly 15 weeks have passed since then, I can say that I have taken so much more away from Capstone then I have expected. Last semester I learned about the Instructional Technology program offered here at BU and, with little idea of what else to do after graduation, decided that it was a good path for me. Although I adore Mass Comm, coming into my senior year I was no longer 100% sure of what I wanted to do with my degree. When I looked into Instructional Technology, I realized that it involved many of the skills I have already learned in my classes and internship. After that, I knew it was worthwhile to pursue my Master's Degree. Instructional Technology has the elements of writing, design, and structuring bits of information that I have worked at developing with every article I wrote and video I edited as an undergraduate student. Even though I am not going out into the working world immediately after graduation, I know that the things I learned in Capstone will follow me until I do secure the job of my dreams. Before this class, I had been required to make countless drafts of my resume and a portfolio for nearly every class. And how difficult could telling a company that you want to work for them in a cover letter be? Walking away from Capstone, I now have a strong and polished resume and I have an idea of how to write a proper and effective cover letter. It's also great that I am walking away with insight from some of those who actually hire employees and therefore know exactly what they want to see from job candidates. As my life as an undergrad ends, I'm excited to walk back on campus in a few months to study a new subject and broaden my resume. I'll always be updating my resume and fine-tuning cover letters with Capstone in the back of my mind. I had an excellent semester in this class and I wish future Capstone students luck in their job searches. My advice for anyone taking Capstone in upcoming semesters would be to take it seriously. A refined resume, a well-structured cover letter and solid interview skills could make or break your chances at a job! While you still have the chance, take advantages of the resources and people you have around you who can help you become stronger in this area.

Monday, April 27, 2015

What's Next?

When I first came to Bloomsbury University, I wasn't sure what major I wanted to declare. After exploring my options and finding out about Public Relations, I knew this was what I was meant to do.  I've learned many things along the way from the classes I've taken, and feel I have definitely chosen the right career path for myself. Although I strongly enjoy my major and have for the past four years, I didn't come to realize exactly what I wanted to do until the end of my college career.

This past year, I have done an internship with an event planning company and was in charge of being their PR representative. I have always been creative and have love doing things with art and design, so I knew this was the perfect internship for me. I managed the company's social media presence, while helping to set up weddings and other events, and design decor/ center pieces. I realized from this experience that I am a very hands on worker, and am seeking a career where I can use my communication skills and my creative background. I now have a job with this event planning company when I get home after graduation, and plan on working there until I find a better job.

I went on several interviews over spring break and learned that I need to be more specific in the types of jobs I am seeking. The interviews I went to were all for marketing firms that were looking for people to start off with door to door interviews. The interviews were very educational and I am happy I went for the experience, but they were nothing I was interested in. I was happy to receive follow up interviews because I knew I did well, but it's nothing that I felt was worth my time and education.

I am looking forward to going home and making use of my connections I have made, and actively seeking a job that I feel is right for me. I look forward to continuing to apply to jobs and going on more interviews.

Capstone- My Advice

This class has really helped me improve my resume and helped with my interview skills. Since I have taken this class I have gotten a part time job at a radio station and an internship at a video production company. My goal is to secure a full time job from one of these companies by the time I graduate in December. My advice to any student taking this class in the future is don't give up on finding what you want to do. Even if you don't get the first job or internship you apply for, keep trying. Never be afraid to apply!

Friday, April 24, 2015

It's the End of College and I Feel Fine

I know this blog is meant to be a retrospect, and chance to look back on the past four years at Bloom and reminisce about the things that transpired.

But I don't want to do that, because man alive I was a lamer four years ago!  Besides, the future is much more interesting.  Always drill forward, I say.

So what am I doing in under two weeks when graduation thrusts me, dazed and confused into the real world?  For now, I have a job (mostly) lined up with the company I've been interning with since winter break.  Bold Gold Media group is a radio company based out of my home town of Honesdale, PA and I'll be returning to the company this summer.  Hopefully in a paying capacity!

Beyond that, I have plans to start up a content creation group with some friends I made here at Bloom.  We are going to get together on Skype and play table top roleplaying games using an online hosting site.  While we play, we are going to be streaming video of our sessions on the website and uploading the recorded videos to YouTube.  We are going to be playing games like Dungeons and Dragon, New World of Darkness, Warhammer 40,000 (Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Rogue Trader, etc.) and whatever weird stuff our Game Master can dig up.  We're called Disadvantage Dice, you should probably check us out.
Finally, I'm going to continue exploring my writing.  For the moment my huge project that I need do dedicate my creative focus to is a story I began back in my first Creative Writing class in sophomore year.

I'm about 190K words in and counting, but once this is done I have plans to write something publishable.  Over my time here at Bloom I've accumulated a few pieces of work that I could make into a short story collection.  I'm thinking it is going to have a bit of a military theme to it, spread out over a bunch of different genres.  Maybe you'll see it on the shelves one day?

Looking over my plans though, I have a lot to do.  I'm going into entertainment on the reading, viewing, and listening fronts.  It's plenty of work, but I love to do it.  And as my Dad always told me, "if you find a job you love, you never work a day in your life."

College Aftermath

So with exactly 15 days until graduation reality has gradually began to set in that this four year milestone of my life know as college is coming to an abrupt end. I can not say that I am not excited for the what-if's and the upcoming post graduate possibilities, but I also cannot say that I will not miss my soon to be Alma Mater. One thing that I am extremely proud of is the fact that on May 9th at 3:30 I will be graduating with a degree that will open doors for me in a field that I am passionate about.

My undergraduate experience has been nothing short of a roller coaster with its fair share of up and downs. However, the skill sets I have gained, the people I have met, and the memories I have made allow me to bid a optimistic and content farewell to the university. As a Mass Communications major I have had the opportunities to have leadership positions in student organizations directly related to my interest. I also have had the chance to get hands on experience that are invaluable to me in terms of being able to land my first job.

As of right now I am continually applying to internships for this upcoming summer. My hopes are to land an internship in either the Philadelphia or New York area at a news or radio station with my preference being news. Despite not currently having an internship secured I know that the broadcast industry is where I am suppose to be and have no doubt  that I will get there. I am super excited and anxious of what's to come for me as a soon to be alumni but one thing for sure is that when its all said and done I will always be able to say that I am proud to be a husky.

Graduating, but I'm not leaving!

Four years ago I remember thinking how fast high school went and couldn't believe I was about to go to college.  I remember looking up at all the "older" kids and thinking it'd take a long time until I was one of them.  It feels as though this was just yesterday.  Four years of college flew by in what feels like one.

Graduation is a little over two weeks away and many people are realizing how much they're going to miss Bloomsburg.  While a lot of my friends and classmate are preparing for interviews, internships or their first real job, I'm getting ready for graduate school and my return to Bloomsburg University.

Starting in the Summer 2015, I will begin my grad-student life adventure. I am enrolled in Bloom's 2-year Instructional Technology master's degree program and will be completing classes online and on campus.  I'm extremely happy with the flexibility of the program because this will allow me to live at home and only have to commute to Bloomsburg once a week.

I have been lucky enough to be hired by the Schuylkill Haven Recreation Department; this is where I completed an internship in Winter 2014!  I honestly had no idea where my source of income was going to come from during my 2 years of grad school.  I am so grateful and excited.  They are extremely understanding that my graduate classes are going to require a lot of time and work, so they are allowing me to work as many hours a week as I can.  I can't wait to start graduate school and work within my community back home.

Good luck to everyone with their future endeavors!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Post-Graduate Plans

I can't believe that next week is the final week of classes and after that all that's left is finals and then GRADUATION! How in the world did this happen so fast?  I feel like it was literally yesterday that I was moving into Elwell.

When I was accepted into Bloomsburg University as a high school senior, I had every intention of being a secondary education mathematics major.  I tried that out for a year and although I enjoyed it, it didn't feel right.  I had always said if I could think of my dream job it would be a wedding/special events planner and then I had the realization that if there was ever a time to change my career path, it was while in college.  Since then I switched into Communication Studies and Mass Communications to gain the necessary skills for event planning.  I have learned so much in all my classes that will surely help me out in my future career as well as hands on experiences with PRSSA and Homecoming Committee. I had an amazing internship this past summer in Atlantic City and it gave me so much reassurance that I was on the right path.

I don't have any job plans set-in-stone yet, but I am putting myself out there and that's all a part of the post-graduate life.  I'm trying to break into the special events industry, but have also looked at a few fundraising opportunities as an event planner and a few positions in wedding & catering sales.  I have a few leads right now and am currently pursuing them.  I'm really excited to get my career started and get into the fast-paced event planning environment.

Hit me up when you all get married :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Only two more weeks!

Only two more weeks left until graduation. Well, a little more than two weeks, but you get what I mean. Graduation is a time where our entire class rejoices and celebrates everything that they have accomplished at Bloomsburg University. All of the hard work and sacrifices that everybody has made culminates into one afternoon where we all walk on stage and toss our hats.

Personally, my time at Bloomsburg was well spent. I took a lot of great classes with some great instructors. I became a better student by attending this university. All of the people that I met and talked to, all of the support that I have received, and all of the work that I put in to my assignments has really helped me out in the long run.

I was able to obtain a great deal of experience in my field. I wrote sports and news articles for BUNOW. That was the first organization where I could showcase my skills as a writer. I also served as an intern at PennLive/Patriot News over the winter break. There, I took on a variety of different tasks, such as writing articles and entering box scores for high school events.

Knowing that I am on the cusp of graduating, I look back at all of the work that I put in to my studies and realize that it was all worth it. There were moments where I did not want to go another inch. However, I decided to take matters into my own hands by staying the course with college. I don't want to have any regrets in the future. I don't want to sit back and ask myself, what if?

The bottom line is this: I don't want to be remembered as being a student at Bloomsburg University. I want to be remembered as a graduate of Bloomsburg University.

Where Did The Time Go?

Coming into Bloomsburg I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I thought of being a teacher, social worker, or exercise science major. As much as I love exercise and health, science and math are not my strong subjects. I finally decided to go into mass communication because I like reading and writing. I'm thankful I decided to pursue this career path because I have learned many skills and tools that made me realize it was the perfect choice for me. Becoming the Opinion and Editorial Editor for BUnow has shown me that I am a leader and has made me extremely organized with my time. During my time at Bloomsburg I have met so many friends and professors who have taught me many lessons that you couldn't learn in the classroom.

Even though my concentration is journalism I am interested in starting a career in public relations. As of right now my dream is to work for Nike's public relations department or any pr firm that works with athletic brands or athletes. Being a trainer isn't for me but I know I am passionate about fitness.   

Although I don't have job or internship lined up I'm not stressing about it anymore because I want to enjoy this last summer traveling and hanging out with my friends. I hope I get a job or internship after this summer and it might take me awhile until I truly have a job that I absolutely love but I'm okay with that. Everyone has a different path that they are meant to take in life and I'm excited to see where life takes me.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Post-Grad Plans!

As I prepare to graduate I am looking back on my four years here at Bloomsburg University. My freshman year I came into the school as a marketing major. Within my first year I went from being a marketing major, to undeclared, to finally being accepted into the Mass Communications major. My freshman year I was assigned an Intro to Mass communications course. After I learned more about the field I decided to switch my major, and it was the best decision I made. Along with my major I decided to minor in Studio Art. I have always loved drawing, painting, and graphic design, so minoring in studio art has helped me bring out my creative side. It is also great that the mass communications major and art minor go hand in hand with regards to creativity.

During my time at Bloomsburg I have learned so much and met so many great people. I have acquired such a large skill set in the mass communications and art fields and have created such a wide variety of work to include in my portfolio. In the future I hope to use my wide set of skills to obtain a job in graphic design or advertising for a company.

Currently, I am searching for in internship in the area of my hometown, Northern New Jersey or New York City. As I prepare to graduate, I will continue to apply to internships in my area and continue to network with the people I know back home. In addition to this, my other short-term goal is to continue creating graphic design work to improve the visual part of my portfolio. My long-term plan is to work part-time at home while searching for an internship, get an internship, and hopefully that will turn into a full-time job opportunity. As of right now, I do not have any interviews, but I have some potential leads that I will continue to pursue.

Now What?

Growing up, the only professional career I thought I would ever have was a career in dance. I enjoyed writing, but mostly as a hobby. I wrote my first play when I was 7 years old, about a dancer (go figure). I always did well on papers in school, but that's because I thought I was making up for lack of skill in the science and math departments. It wasn't until after I graduated from high school where I decided to pursue my hobby as a career. 

I transferred to Bloomsburg University after spending two years at Community College of Philadelphia and never looked back. Despite facing academic probation, I was determined to make it into the Mass Communications department with a journalism track. Once I became of member of BUnow, my writing took off and I could tell that I was on the right track. I was promoted to Sports Editor my second semester and moved up to become the Managing Editor the follow year. 

Being a part of BUnow has opened multiple doors and future opportunities. I was able to attend the College Media Association convention as a round table speaker on diversity in the news room, where I met a senior writer for ESPN. Wanting to break out into the sports journalism field, this was an opportunity I didn't want to miss out on. During my time as the Managing Editor, I have come to realize how much I love being a leader to others. 

Although I do not have a full time job lined up for after graduation, I hope that my love for leadership for an online publication takes me far in life. Whether it be next month or next year, I know that I will end where exactly where I belong. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

cannot believe it is almost over....

 Time has gone by so fast. I cannot believe that graduation is almost here. I will be graduating from Bloomsburg University in a few weeks, and it is really a bittersweet moment. I am super excited that I will be getting out of here because I have been waiting for my moment to shine and it is almost here. We all have worked so hard for our accomplishments, and it is a wonderful feeling to know that graduating from college is an accomplishment, because there are not too many people that can actually say that they have made it.

When I first attended college, I wanted to major in education. I can admit that after taking a few classes that education was not for me. I decided to change my major to Mass Communications, and I believe that was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. I love all my classes that I had and I believed that I have learned a lot from the Mass Communication department that could take me further in life.

Life after graduation, I want to take an internship over the summer, to get more experience in Event management. I love decorating and planning that I truly believe that would be the best career for me. I want to gain more experienced so that finding a job won't be as hard as not having any experience at all. Therefore that is the reason for why I would love to take on an internship than search for a job.

Post-Grad Plans

Since I was a child, I have loved country music. It has always been my dream to visit Nashville, Tennessee, the country music capitol of the world. When I grew up and began to think about what I wanted to do after high school, I realized that the only place I wanted to work was Nashville in the country music industry. Everyone always gives the same advice: If you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life. For me, that means working in the country music industry.
Last summer, I was lucky enough to spend 10 weeks in Nashville doing two different internships. One was with an independent artist and the other was at a PR company that worked with artists. I got to do amazing things like help out on the set of a music video that was shot in Daytona Beach, Florida. I learned a lot about radio and the process of releasing music. I solicited sponsorships and developed content for social media sites. It was an amazing summer, and one that I will never forget! You can read about my experiences here.

Although I have yet to secure a full-time job, I have been in contact with a lot of people I met this summer. One of the women that I worked for this summer has expressed an interest in hiring me full-time, but we still have to work out details. Even if I do not have a job secured by the time graduation rolls around, I plan to make the full-time move to Nashville this summer. One of my good friends is (hopefully) going to be working as a nurse at Vanderbilt, so I will have someone to live with. It will be much easier for me to find a job in Nashville while I am living there.
I know exactly where I want to be, so now it's time to take the steps to get there. I am very excited about what the future holds and cannot wait to start my career in Nashville!

Post Grad Plans

Coming into Bloomsburg I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I started off on the PR track but quickly changed to telecom when I realized it wasn't quite up my alley. Through the help of my professors in the Mass Communications department, I have become extremely well rounded in the field of broadcast journalism. I have gained valuable experience in front of the camera as well as behind, I learned how to write a breaking news story and even how to write a screenplay. I never thought I would record and edit my own material, but Bloomsburg has given me these necessary skills for the working world. I have been able to grow with BUnow from a staff writer to the After Dark section editor and having those skills under my belt for the real world is a blessing.

The goal for me is to become a reporter, whether it's sports or celebrity entertainment, anything would be amazing.  Although I have yet to find a fitting full time job, I have made valuable connections with people that are willing to take me under their wing and help me after I graduate in May. I am currently in contact with a NBC sports reporter and she is helping to guide me in the right direction. I am also in contact with a gentleman who has worked for ESPN, had his own sports radio show, is the editor for a magazine based out of Manhattan, the list goes on and on. He has given me the opportunity to write for the magazine to help build my portfolio and I'm thrilled to take that on. The have both informed me recently that an internship should be my goal. So from now until I walk across that stage I will be on a full on hunt for that perfect summer internship. I have extreme determination and I know I will come out on top. The possibilities are endless and I'm excited to take this plunge. Stay tuned. I'm trying to make it big.

Life After College

Thinking about life after college can be a very scary time! I decided that I didn't want to feel over whelmed and stressed the summer after school was over. I decided to take a job doing social media work and marketing for Kusty's Corner Cafe in York, PA. This job is something I don't consider a stressful experience because I currently work with them and they are my boyfriends family. I am stepping up my position at the restaurant because I have previously done marketing but mainly I have done waitressing. I make a good amount of money there and I know I can comfortable with this job. I also think that I can build my PR portfolio by working with their social media sites. I have plans on moving to the Baltimore area in the Fall of 2015, but I am not making any big decisions until this time and of course until a job offer emerges. Due to the fact I feel comfortable with my summer job I think I owe it to myself to have one last stress free summer before I am to enter the real world. I am also going to be traveling this summer. I am going to Ireland and Paris after graduation. I am also going to Charleston and Myrtle beach, SC, Deep Creek, MD and Long Beach Island, NJ. I want his summer to be my last summer for fun and to take some time to build my portfolio before I enter the real world.

After College Can Be Magical!

As we near the last few weeks of the semester, some people are excited, others are sad, and some are just simply freaking out.  The mixed emotions of leaving the place you have called home for the last 4 years, mixed with the pressure of finding a good job, passing all of your classes, leaving some friends forever, and becoming an adult can be a lot...but take a deep breath. 

During college you have an amazing network of leaders, alumni, and students who are eager to find that next big step to adult life.  Take advantage of all of that.   

Secondly, do something that will benefit you and others around you, and leave your legacy.  I was the first student at Bloomsburg University to get an affiliation agreement signed for Bloomsburg University to offer internships with the Walt Disney Resorts in Orlando, Florida.  Not only did I fight my way through the troubles, the rejection, and the naysayers to make this dream a reality, but I have opened the doors for others.  From the Mass Communications department alone, there are currently over 8 participants in the Disney College Program, and more than a dozen more around the university.  It is imperative that you do what you want in order to become successful after your 4 years at the university. 

On May 18th, I begin my next big step in acquiring my dream job of an Event Planner at Walt Disney World.  I will be moving to Florida permanently and working as a cast member again.  Anything you want to do is possible, but you have to go out and chase those dreams.  No one is going to come to you and ask you if you want your dream to come true.  Put in the hours, do the work, and have fun. 

Truly, if you do a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What is this all about? -Bela John Vaszlavik

I get questioned often as graduation approaches such as; What are you going to do after graduation? If all this time and money was worth it?  Are you ready to graduate? And I feel that these questions cannot be easily answered. This is for the fact that you learn so much in college not just about whatever field you study but more about what you find about yourself. The memories you gain, the friends you meet, and the person that you become you can't put a price tag on. Your idea of what you will do after graduation changes drastically over the years you are here that it is hard to sum up how you got to your conclusion.

For me, the past four years my answer to what I wanted post graduation was simple, I wanted to be on the radio. The entire time I was trying to convince myself that this was the given path that I need to be on. I did all I could to be involved in radio, trying to push myself into this path and at the end I realized that I would not be happy there and I would just be settling for myself. For me it was never about the money, it was always about how much I could help others. My entire life I have had this unyielding desire to help others and it wasn't till a couple of months ago that I realized I wanted to do this to the best of my abilities.  Post graduate I plan on going into the US Air Force active duty as a special forces Pararescuemen. I have never felt so sure in my life of what I want to do with my life than I do now and I know I would have never been able to do this if I hadn't discovered who I am here at Bloomsburg.

So am I really ready to graduate? Better question is; Am I ready for school to be over? Absolutely! But more importantly, am I ready to leave college life? Absolutely not! With all the memories I have and the great friends I've made I know it will be truly hard to let go of it all. But there is more friends to be had and more memories to make. Besides I know that they will never be truly gone because they will always be with me the rest of my life and no one can take that from me or any of us for that matter. As I embark on my next adventure I know it will be good. I am very excited for the US Air Force and serving this great country. And hopefully one day I'll meet a great woman (even if it's not Taylor Swift) and start a family. Sure I'll make mistakes and sure you will too but don't let it keep you down, remember to get up and keep on fighting. Always remember never settle for less and always remember to have a good time with whatever makes you happy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Life after graduation -Michael Koch

Well the time has finally arrived GRADUATION its finally time to head to the real world. These five years were full of hard work, time mangement and memories that will last me a lifetime, although I'm sad thats its almost over I'm excited for the next chapter in my life. Soon after graduation I will interning at the Philadelphia Freedoms team tennis organization where I will be a social media intern for the organization. During and after the internship I will be applying to different jobs, networking while I'm at my internship as well as with other companies in hopes of landing my first post college job. I would really like to get into sports marketing for a professional sports team after my internship since I'm passionate about them and I understand them. It will be key to keep my LinkedIn and resume up to date  and making a good impression on anyone I encounter after graduation. I'm not sure what the future holds for me, but I do know one thing the sky is the limit anything is possible I'm excited for what the future holds.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Post Graduation Plans

These last four years at Bloomsburg have seriously gone by so SO fast. It is scary to think that in 25 days we will be attending graduation. We did it class of 2015!!! Now it's (unfortunately) time to enter the real world... the post graduation depression is already settling in.

As you guys know, on June 1st I will be starting my job as an Account Executive at the company Yelp in New York City. I am very excited to get started, recently Yelp moved office locations and rumor has it that the new office is amazing!

I will be in the Yelp Sales Development Program for 60 days before I will have the official title of Account Executive.

I recently got introduced to my "team managers" and am beginning to build a relationship with them through my social media platforms. I am also able to communicate with other Future Yelpers (yes, that is what they call us) through our social media page Yelp Summer Class of 2015, it is really great getting to know some of the people I will be working with before my official first day.

Next week on April 22nd, I will be participating in a Google Hangout with my team managers to go over in greater detail what to expect on my first day of work.

Even though I am very sad that my time here at Bloomsburg is rapidly coming to an end... I am excited to start this new chapter in my life! I wish everyone the best of luck in their journeys!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Welcome to the Capstone Blog

Bon Voyage Bloom! As you complete your college education, please contribute to this blog to share with others what you will be doing after you graduate. Always remember to Dream Big!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," Eleanor Roosevelt